Here is the bread and butter, if you want to contact me to say how much you hate me or like me, email me at  You know because I love you that much I want your hate mail, I'll happily read and respond to it. 

Now if you want to pay me to make pretty pictures or a nice animated banner for your myspace, facebook, tagged, or what have you then use the Paypal little drop down thingy.  BTW you might want to also email me like all the nitty-gritty about what you want, you know in case you want to have your face and name in the banner.  A color changing banner might not be the best thing ever. 

And also if you just want to slide me some money to feed my addiction to eating and stuff then I have a donation button thingy too.  Depending on the month I may actually have a donation reward like a wallpaper or something, and it may have boobs.

Animated Avatar

$ 2.50 USD

A simple animated avatar, with or with out text and vector images.

Pixel ID

$ 15 USD

This is a throw back to 8-bit gaming you can choose the type of game your sprite will be from, or the genre.  Fighting, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Sports, Adventure, or just a pixelated version of you.

Static Ad Banner landscape

$ 2 USD

A static ad banner for your site.

Animated Ad Banner

$ 5 USD

An animated ad banner for your site.

Animated Myspace Banner

$ 15 USD

This is a personalized myspace banner, glitter and sparkle graphics can be added.

Commission Art full body+color and background

$ 50 USD

I'll draw you pretty pictures of stuff.  This also includes desktop wallpapers

Commission Art B/W

$ 20 USD

I'll try a pretty picture of something, it's in b/w


$ 20 USD

A peek-a-boo styled myspace banner, adjustable to any banner size.
Make a Free Website with Yola.